Five Star Pre-K and K through 8th grade Blue Ribbon School of Excellence

About Us
Our Mission
Our Lady of Mercy seeks to develop and honor each student spiritually, intellectually, emotionally, socially, creatively, and physically. Guided by Catholic beliefs, our diverse community invites each child to live and serve in a changing society as a self-respecting and responsible citizen.
To this end, we strive to foster:
Hearts that are compassionate and nourished by Catholic teachings and values.
Minds that are curious and well-trained in the humanities and sciences.
Lives that are active and committed to citizenship and service, ready to lead in our global society.
By integrating the teachings of the Catholic Church throughout the curriculum and school activities, we build a community of faith, hope and love and create an atmosphere of care, concern and respect.
We believe that:
1. Learning should occur in a spiritual and inviting environment that promotes dignity and respect for self and others.
2. All students come to us with enthusiasm and thirst for knowledge which teachers aspire to maintain.
3. All students should experience an opportunity to learn in an environment which provides multiple teaching methods to address different learning styles.
4. Communication among parents, students, and colleagues is a vital element of our school community.
5 Teachers should have an open-minded approach to each student's ability to learn.
6. Teachers respect and nurture each student's creativity.
7. All students' unique abilities are assessed, and specialized resources are utilized to achieve successful outcomes.
8. Teachers must participate in professional development which addresses present and future trends in education.